Don’t pay for this!

Please just sign up as a free subscriber, but don’t get the paid membership. I don’t know how often I’ll put out content, and I’ve set it so that the pieces I write are available for a long time to free subscribers.

Who am I?

I’m Zach Elwood, author of some well known and respected books on poker tells/behavior. My first book Reading Poker Tells has been translated into eight languages. I have a video series with more than 13 hours of content. I’ve done private consulting for some well known poker players, including acting as poker tells consultant for two World Series of Poker Main Event final table players.

If you’d like to learn more about my work, see

If you haven’t already, I’d recommend first checking out my books and/or video series. If you’re pretty skilled at poker, the book of mine I’d recommend reading first is Exploiting Poker Tells. If you’re more on the beginner side, I’d recommend Reading Poker Tells. And if you like video learning, I’d recommend my video series.

What will this Substack contain?

I’ll be posting thoughts on poker tells/behavior, usually regarding a specific hand that I will share a video of — and sometimes a recent hand that people in the poker world are talking about. (I may occasionally pause content for a bit but your subscription is paused also when I do that.)

I have previously written blog posts or short social media threads about this kind of thing, or just thought about things in my head and not said anything, but it struck me that some poker players might enjoy having these thoughts in a more formal, easy-to-follow place.

I may sometimes share some content previously seen in my books or videos but will include additional thoughts (as sometimes my ideas have changed a bit).

Why subscribe?

This Substack newsletter might be of interest for a few reasons:

  • You may find getting recurring learnings about poker tells helpful. Some people tell me it’s hard to remember everything in my books/videos, so even people quite familiar with my work may enjoy getting these small messages.

  • Subscribers can post comments, which gives this a community/forum aspect that might be helpful (e.g., in getting other perspectives on things, as I don’t pretend to see everything or get everything right).

  • I’ll post some more speculative ideas that were too theoretical/edge-case for me to include in my books/videos, but may be interesting to people who’d like to see the things I previously haven’t talked much about.

If you’ve purchased a lifetime membership to my video series, I’ll use some of these things I write as content to add to future video series videos.

Subscribe to Zach Elwood's Poker Tells Substack

Don't pay for this! Zach occasionally posts some poker tells analysis, and this might sometimes include hands being discussed in the poker world. Please see more details on the About page.