New real money poker site: Phenom Poker
Phenom has some promising aspects that might make it very popular
If you’re followed my work, you know I don’t often promote poker-related products. I’ve made an exception for a new online poker site Phenom Poker. There are a few reasons you should want to play on this and some reasons why you should want to promote this site to other people in the next three weeks, before December 7th.
Use this affiliate link of mine to sign up:
Some reasons I feel good promoting Phenom Poker:
Early users (ending Dec 7 2024) get tokens for spreading the word about Phenom Poker and getting people to sign up (like I’m doing now). To take advantage of that offer, you need to use my referral link, which again is here: (Read more about this promotion here.)
Players are part-owners of the site via Phenom tokens. As they put it on their site: “[Token holders] earn revenue share and also have voting rights. The token is used to distribute ownership to the player community and ensure the players always have a collective say in the future direction of Phenom Poker.” Read more about that here.
It’s crypto-based, and this implementation means there’s no risk of a Full Tilt situation where players’ funds disappear. As they put it: “The site itself doesn't hold or manage funds - it simply acts as a software layer to facilitate gameplay and handle the accounting.” (There’s a learning curve related to getting money on the site and they have videos and posts with tips and FAQs on this.)
They seem genuinely invested in providing a good experience for players. For example, they have a wide variety of interesting games.
They have quite a few security-related protocols that other sites don’t have, like using 3D facial scans to verify player identities. Also, as part of their terms, they make people agree that if they’re caught cheating, they will be outed as cheaters publicly; another interesting approach to this problem. (I don’t know all the security protocols they’re using, as I understand they’ll be implementing more things over time, and I hope they make a post with an overview of those things.)
Quite a few respected poker players have also felt good promoting the site, including Brian Rast, Ari Engel, Joseph Cheong, and more. Here’s an interview Dan “Jungleman” Cates did with the creator.
I think there’s a chance this site blows up and becomes quite popular long term so I recommend playing on it and also promoting it. I don’t see much down side.
If you do play on there, let me know what you think of it; I might make a follow-up post about people’s experiences.